
List of popular facebook applications

You can only View these applications if you are logged into Facebook.
Compete to find where famous places, cities, and travel destinations are located. Your Traveler IQ is based on how close you clicked and how quickly you found the spot. Just install and go! Have fun!
20,589 daily active users (1%)951 reviews
Find out who you're like! Compare yourself with friends and movie stars like Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightley, and many more. Can you find a perfect match?
282,571 daily active users (2%)2922 reviews
Why just poke when you can SuperPoke!? Hug, throw a sheep or choose from over 180 other actions to do to your friends!
415,179 daily active users (2%)4743 reviews
Share videos, pictures, graffiti, and more with your friends!
2,315,981 daily active users (7%)3444 reviews
Compare your taste in movies with friends. Share reviews. Discover new movies. Test your movie knowledge with the Never-Ending Movie Quiz.
554,311 daily active users (3%)2682 reviews
The Bathroom Wall is a place to post secrets, confessions, and messages... while remaining completely anonymous!
9,995 daily active users (2%)313 reviews
Pillow Fight with your friends, crushes, affair, love or enemies! Time-sensitive game and the winner is announced within two days if the opponent fails to hit you back!
22,368 daily active users (8%)61 reviews
iLike lets you add music to your profile and find your favorite concerts (not to mention see who else is going!). Bonus: Use it to get free mp3’s that match your tastes and try to beat your friends at the Music Challenge.
302,113 daily active users (2%)4558 reviews
Show your friends some love! Add your BFFs to your profile! Each just one-click away! No more searching through pages of friends just to check up on them. The only question now is: Who’s in your Top Friends?
1,915,311 daily active users (7%)4489 reviews
FUNWall! The name says it all! Videos, Photos, Graffiti, Greeting Cards, Flash Embeds and more!
2,532,684 daily active users (8%)3006 reviews
Find out who you're like on mature topics like purity, vices, and the seven deadly sins. Can you find a perfect match?
95,490 daily active users (2%)497 reviews
Hug Me opens up a whole new world of action-based communication, for example 'Hug Her, Slap Him, Tickle Them!'
205,091 daily active users (1%)2784 reviews
Friends For Sale!
By Serious Business
Buy and sell your friends as pets! You can make your pets poke, send gifts, or just show off for you. Make money as a shrewd pets investor or as a hot commodity! Friends for Sale is the bees knees!
611,174 daily active users (8%)43144 reviews
Think your friends are hot? Let them know by adding them to your 10 Hottest Friends List! Get friends to add you to boost your own Ranking!
191,860 daily active users (3%)177 reviews
Own Your Friends! Give Human Gifts! Put yourself on the market and find out how much your worth!
716,304 daily active users (14%)5772 reviews
Test your knowledge of pop culture with fun quizzes and games about your favorite movies, celebs, TV shows and sports. New quizzes added all the time!
615 daily active users (1%)31 reviews
Ask your friends for advice or advise your friends. Create your own questions and get public or anonymous answers. Don't go through life alone! Use the wisdom of your crowd to solve your problems.
179 daily active users (0%)29 reviews
Play Scrabulous within Facebook using this cool application. Invite your friends and play simultaneous games. It's the best word game!
629,577 daily active users (18%)8996 reviews
(Lil) Green Patch needs your help to fight Global Warming. You build a Green Patch with your friends. The application shows a running count of the square feet of rainforest saved by everyone as they use the application. Square feet saved so far, 20M.
530,407 daily active users (13%)3479 reviews
Some people have an aggressive personality while some are emotional. Some are self asserting, others muti-faceted and some even full of desire. Some are affectionate lovers while others gentle. What color is your heart?
11,635 daily active users (1%)143 reviews
Play Texas Hold'Em with your fb friends. Get 200 free chips and another 1000 free chips for every friend that you invite.
608,523 daily active users (7%)4532 reviews
Bumper Sticker
By Jimmy, Steven Stegman and 6 other people
Your mom is in my TOP FRIENDS. You looked hotter online. Thank You For Pot Smoking. What wouldn't Jesus do? I don't deserve self esteem. These and lots more. Make up your own! Stick your friends with funny stickers! Win facebook!
1,409,128 daily active users (12%)13262 reviews
Pick the winners of every Premier League match. Put your picks and favorite club on your profile, and compare your scores to your friends and all of Facebook. It’s simple and free to play!
13,830 daily active users (4%)213 reviews
Birthday Calendar is a powerful calendar and alerting service that makes it a snap to view and remember birthdays. Get advance notice with alerts on Facebook, email or cell phone and have fun with our ecards, group ecards, and gift suggestions
166,234 daily active users (3%)170 reviews
Play over 250 games. At MindJolt Games you can play any of the Arcade, Puzzle, Strategy and Sports games we offer for free. Challenge your friends or play by yourself. Either way, you're sure to have hours of fun.
162,063 daily active users (7%)989 reviews

Full list of applications



24 June 2008 at 02:50

hey Frendz! If you are facebook crazy and listing some of the famous applications of the facebook than i must say youshould also include this application of Ecards add movie lines and voice to any Facebook photo and share it with friends. Make your pictures talk!

